Plenary Lectures
Alex Avdeef, pION INC, Woburn, MA, USA, "Miniaturized and Rotating Disk and Powder Intrinsic Dissolution Rate Measurement in Early Drug Development – Theoretical and Experimental Practice."
Jennifer Dressman, J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, "Physical-chemical parameters to predict oral drug absorption. "
Rolf Hilfiker, Solvias AG, Basel, Switzerland, "The importance of choosing the optimal solid form for the success of a drug."
Michael Overduin, University of Birmingham, UK, "Tools for solubilisation, screening and structural analysis of membrane proteins."
Pierre Parot, CEA-Marcoule, IBEB, France, "AFM and DFS in the study of protein-ligand interactions"
Jasna Peter Katalinić, University of Münster, Germany, "Dissecting carbohydrate structure from Cells and Tissues"
Michael Przybylski, University of Konstanz, Germany, "Mass spectrometry in the elucidation of lead structures for vaccine development."
Slobodan Šašić, Pfizer, Groton, CT USA, "Raman Chemical Imaging in Development of Pharmaceuticals – ‘Not Seeing Is Just Guessing’."
Gregg Siegal, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, "Target immobilization provides new opportunities in NMR-based fragment discovery and characterization."
Klara Valko, GlaxoSmithKline, Stevenage, UK, "HPLC based property measurements of drug discovery compounds to predict in-vivo behaviour. "
In addition to the lectures, two Courses (Rolf Hilfiker, Solvias and Frederic Girard / Paul Michiels, Spinnovation Analytical) and two Workshops (pIon Inc, and Bruker) took place during the Conference.