
The list of confirmed speakers with the corresponding talks can be found below. Please check back regularly since the list will be regularly updated.

Alex Avdeef
in-ADME Research, USA
    Celebrating 40 years of the Ross electrode and 50 years of pHmax

Christel Bergström
Uppsala University, Sweden

  A virtual intestine for evaluation of solubility, permeability and formulation effects

Annette Bauer Brandl
University of Southern Denmark, Sweden

  Amorphous solid dispersions: true supersaturation measured in a time-resolved manner by microdialysis
Giulia Caron
University of Turin, Italy 
   The love story of physchem data and oral bioavailable bRo5 drug candidates
Gaia Colombo
University of Ferrara, Italy
  Nanotechnology enabled innovation in inhalation drug delivery
Gilles Goetz
Pfizer, USA
  Continuous Improvement in the molecular properties assessment world
Tonglei Li
Purdue University, USA
  Solubility prediction by deep learning of quantum information
Godefridus Peters
Amsterdam University Medical Centers, The Netherlands
  Metabolism as a target for drug development
Laurence Philippe-Venec
PIC analytics, USA
  Chromatography to highlight compounds behavior in a membrane: a journey of interactions
Giacomo Russo
Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
  From delta log kwIAM to multidimensional biomimetic chromatography: a journey to shed light on the absorption potential of therapeutics. What will the future bring?
Christos Reppas
University of Athens, Greece
  In vitro evaluation of drug presence in the micellar phase of contents of upper small intestine: rationale, challenges, opportunities
Miroslav Savić
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy, Serbia
  Neuropharmacokinetics: the secret life of - old and novel - psychopharmacological drugs
Abu Serajuddin
St. John's University, USA
  Development of rapidly dissolving 3D-printed tablets for personalized medicine by applying acid-base supersolubilization (ABS) principle

Chrysanthos Stergiopoulos
University of Athens, Greece


Application of biomimetic chromatography for the prediction of acute aquatic toxicity of organic pollutants

Kiyohiko Sugano
Ritsumeikan University, Japan
  Salt disproportionation in bicarbonate buffer
Sami Svanbäck
The solubility company Ltd. Finland
  Micro-scale solubility measurement to guide early decision making 
Kin Tam
University of Macau, Macau
  Dichloroacetophenone derivatives as pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibitor in non-small cell lung cancer models
Klara Valko
Biomimetic chromatography, UK
  Application of lipophilicity, protein and phospholipid binding measured by HPLC for prediction of ADME properties and toxicity of compounds
Tatjana Verbić
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry, Serbia
  Revealing the story of an orphan drug: clofazimine speciation and solubilization as a function of pH
Mire Zloh
UCL School of Pharmacy, UK
  In silico approaches for understanding the role of intermolecular interactions in formulations and combination therapies: implications for ADME properties optimization